Single sign-on (SSO) simplifies the login process by allowing team members to use one set of credentials across all business systems. With magicplan's SSO feature, your team members can securely and conveniently access magicplan using the same credentials they use for other systems, eliminating the need to manage multiple logins and streamlining authentication.

SSO is a paid add-on service with magicplan. Please contact our Sales Team for more details.

Note: The setup process for SSO should be performed by an IT administrator experienced in configuring applications within your identity provider account. Only admins can enable SSO for your magicplan account.

Supported Identity ProvidersCopied!

magicplan supports identity providers that use SAML 2.0, such as:

If you’re unsure whether your identity provider is compatible, feel free to contact us for assistance.

General Setup InstructionsCopied!

To set up SSO for your organization, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your identity provider account.

  2. Navigate to your applications and create a new application for magicplan.

  3. Enter the required values in your identity provider account where prompted:

    • ACS (Assertion Consumer Service) URL

    • Audience URI

    • Sign-on URL or Redirect URL

  4. Set the username format/Name ID to Email if prompted.

  5. After completing the configuration, contact us at to enable SAML SSO for your workspace.

Note: Navigation instructions and field names may vary across identity providers. You can find provider-specific setup instructions below.

Instructions for Specific Identity ProvidersCopied!


  1. Follow these steps provided by Google support.

  2. Set up the magicplan app with the following information:

    1. Application Name: magicplan

    2. Upload logo:

    3. ACS URL:

    4. Entity Id:

    5. Name ID:

      1. Basic Information

      2. Primary Email

    6. Name ID Format: EMAIL

  3. Add attribute mappings for magicplan-required fields:

    1. Email:

      • Basic Information: Primary email

      • App Attribute: emailaddress

    2. First Name:

      • Basic Information: First name

      • App Attribute: firstname

    3. Last Name:

      • Basic Information: Last name

      • App Attribute: lastname

  4. Enable magicplan: Click the three dots in the top-right corner and select ON for everyone.

  5. Contact magicplan: After completing the setup, contact magicplan at to enable SAML SSO for your workspace. Include the following details:

    1. The magicplan account that owns your workspace.

    2. Workspace name (if you have multiple workspaces).

    3. Your organization's email domain (e.g.,

    4. SAML Information from Google:

      • IdP Certificate

      • SAML Entity ID (Issuer)

      • SSO URL (Login URL)

      • Logout URL

      • SAML XML Metadata


  1. Follow this documentation provided by Salesforce.

  2. Log in to Salesforce and create a Connected App:

    1. Connected App Name: magicplan

    2. Contact Email:

    3. Logo Image URL:

    4. Under Web App Settings, check the box for Enable SAML and fill in these fields:

      1. Entity ID:

      2. Subject Type: Username

      3. ACS URL:

      4. Name ID Format: emailAddress

      5. IdP Certificate: Default IdP Certificate

  3. Navigate under Platform Tools > Apps > App Manager and find magicplan. Tap on View and scroll down to Custom Attributes. Tap on New to add custom attributes required by magicplan:

    1. Email:

      • Key: emailaddress

      • Field: $User->Email

    2. First Name:

      • Key: firstname

      • Field: $User->First name

    3. Last Name:

      • Key: lastname

      • Field: $User->Last name

  4. Grant privileges:

    1. Navigate to Administration > Users > Profiles, and update the profiles you want to enable access for.

    2. Under Connected App Access, check the box for the magicplan app and click Save.

  5. Contact magicplan: After completing the setup, contact magicplan at and provide:

    1. The magicplan account that owns your workspace.

    2. Workspace name (if applicable).

    3. Your organization's email domain (e.g.,

    4. SAML Information from Salesforce:

      • IdP Certificate

      • SAML Entity ID (IdP-Initiated Login URL)

      • SP-Initiated Redirect Endpoint

      • Single Logout Endpoint

      • SAML XML Metadata or Metadata Discovery Endpoint

Microsoft AzureCopied!

  1. Follow this documentation to add magicplan as an app. You can directly jump to step 7 where it explains about "Create your own application".

  2. Continue to configure properties for magicplan, following the steps here. The values you need from magicplan are listed below:

    1. Application Name: magicplan

    2. Logo:

    3. Reply URL:

  3. After configuring magicplan, assign your users to the app you just created by following the steps here.

  4. Next, set up SAML-based SSO for magicplan. Please follow this documentation for more info. To complete those steps, you need the following data from magicplan:

    1. Identifier (Entity ID):

    2. Reply URL (ACS URL):

    3. Sign-on URL:

  5. Go into section "User Attributes & Claims” and add a new claim for:

    1. Email:

      • Name: emailaddress

      • Source: Attribute

      • Source Attribute: user.mail

    2. First Name:

      • Name: firstname

      • Source: Attribute

      • Source Attribute: user.givenname

    3. Last Name:

      • Name: lastname

      • Source: Attribute

      • Source Attribute: user.surname

  6. Contact magicplan: After completing the setup, contact magicplan at and provide:

    • The magicplan account that owns your workspace.

    • Workspace name (if applicable).

    • Your organization's email domain (e.g.,

    • SAML Information from Azure:

      • SAML Single Sign-On Service URL (Login URL)

      • SAML Azure AD Identifier

      • Logout URL

      • SAML Signing Certificate (Base64)

      • SAML XML Metadata or App Federation Metadata URL